Government of India
dcdi[hyphen]bang[at]dcmsme[dot]gov[dot]in | 080-231515 81/82/83

Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme

80% reimbursement of cost of hiring the lean manufacturing consultant (LMC) (Maximum LMC Charges Rs. 36 Lakhs)


To enhance the manufacturing competitiveness of MSMEs through the application of various Lean Manufacturing (LM) techniques by

• Reducing waste;

• Increasing productivity;

• Introducing innovative practices for improving overall competitiveness;

• Inculcating good management systems; and

• Imbibing a culture of continuous improvement.


Awareness programmes and workshops are being organized in order to create awareness among the entrepreneurs and further they are motivated to form mini cluster comprising of 6 to 10 units (ideally 10 units) for availing the scheme.

LM consultants are deployed in the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/Distinct Product Group (DPG) for LM Interventions for a period of 18 months.

80% of the cost of hiring the lean manufacturing consultant (LMC) is reimbursed through NMIUs to SPVs/Units and 20% of the cost is borne by the SPVs/units.

National Productivity Council and Quality Council of India have been selected as National Monitoring and Implementing Units (NMIUs) for the up-scaled scheme.

Target Group 

All Manufacturing sectors of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Scheme Guidelines:

Performance / Achievements