This website is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to public in general and prospective entrepreneurs in particular and does not purport to be a legal document. In case of any variance between what has been stated and that contained in the relevant act, rules, regulations, policy statements, etc., the latter shall prevail.
Unless otherwise specifically stated, the information contained herein is made available to the public by MSME Development Institute Bangalore, Office of Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME), Government of India (GOI) for information only. Endeavor has been made to make available updated, correct and accurate information. The errors, if any, whenever brought to the notice will be rectified. But, the department will accept no responsibility and liability, of whatever nature, for the correctness of the material on Website. In this regard, the users are advised to verify, in their own interest, the correctness of the facts from the concerned official or person.